The Voice Moves the Air / The Air Moves the Voice

Opening performance June 14, 2019
As part of Period rooms. 8 expérimentations artistiques
Steve Bates (computer, synthesizer, field recordings) / Sophie Trudeau (organ)
Saint Joseph's Oratory (Basilica), Montréal
7 pm / 19h
Admission is free

June 14 - July 31, 2019
Saint-Joseph's Oratory
Father André's Chapel & 4th Floor Oratory
Curated by Marie-Josée Jean
Period rooms. 8 expérimentations artistiques
Eight locations across Montréal featuring work by Steve Bates, Thomas Bégin, Pierre Dorion, Frédéric Gravel, Jacqueline Hoàng Nguyễn, Jocelyn Robert, Claire Savoie, Klaus Scherübel

The Voice Moves the Air / The Air Moves the Voice is part of the larger Black Seas project.

The Voices Moves the Air consists of three companion works; a single channel sound installation in Father André's Chapel, a second sound installation in the Oratory and a performance on the Oratory's Rodgers organ.

The resonant frequencies of Father André's Chapel are modulated by a voice reading texts that describe hallucinatory events related to religious and spiritual experience. The audience does not hear the speaking voice but only it's modulation of the tones played back in the room.

the dim coast · Chapel_VoiceModulation

A concert will take place June 14 using only the notes and chords of the chapel's resonant frequencies. This performance of minimal music will then provide the raw material for the subtle soundtrack, with light modulation, for the triptych of period rooms in the Oratory basement.


We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.