Field Sound

As Field Sound, Steve Bates and Douglas Moffat bring together backgrounds in visual art, experimental music and landscape architecture to collaborate on outdoor audio installations. Our working methods combine research and site-specific investigation with an ear for fascinating sonic potentials. Over multiple projects, the physical form, experience of site and cultural context are blended together to form multi-sensory installations that reward repeated visits and extended listening.

Toronto, Canada. Multi-channel sound installation.
Permanent, multi-channel sound installation commissioned by the City of Toronto. Sound and behaviour controlled by overhead cloud cover.

Pergola Music
Calgary, Canada. Multi-channel sound installation.
Temporary multi-channel sound installation for Calgary's Olympic Park. Inspired by Erik Satie's 'Musique d’ameublement’ with sounds loosely based on his score using field recordings of the city.

Sound Field
Grand-Métis, Québec . Multi-channel sound installation.
Outdoor, multi-channel sound installation whose sound and behaviour was influenced by local wind conditions. Presented at the Jardins de Métis, festival international de jardins in Grand-Métis, Québec for three consecutive summers from 2007 until 2009.

A Requiem For Parc Louis-Cyr
Montréal, Québec. Performance.
The performance uses processed field recordings of Eastern Cottonwood trees recently felled in a Montréal park to create a requiem for lost acoustic space.